Tuesday, March 11, 2008


so yeah, just so you all know katie and I have eight days till we leave to eroupe. We are both very excited and very stressed. I will have to right more later. I have to take the dogs out and go to work right now. but to night or the next few days I will have more up about the trip and the crazy past two weeks.


megan said...

um that is a teaser! What has happened the last two weeks? take a bazillion pictures in Europe and then post them!

ducklips said...

Chris, you're such a tease. I can't wait to hear about your trip, but first you have to get there.
So, in the mean time, what has happened over the last two weeks? (and make it juicy!)

Merilee said...

Can't wait for the details. I'm sure I'll see you before you actually post them though!