Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Little More

AHH, Day off. I took a little time to sleep in this morning and to be honest besides my back hurting now it was a good rainy morning to sleep through. I have so much cleaning and washing and packing that I have to do. I an just kind of realizing how crazy this trip is. Katie and I are going to be spending time in Amsterdam and paris and may a stop out at the french coast. In Amsterdam or I guess the netherland, we are staying with a friend of Katie's that is from Austria but did exchange student stuff in the US right after Katie had retuned back from thailand doing her exchange. Katie's friend Ellie is going to to school and lives about 30 miles out side of amsterdam. I am excited to be able to spend time out side of the city there, their are so well known for have amazing flower gardens and i really think the spring is going to be so full of color, you know the grass is greener on the other side. On the 23rd or 24th we are taking the train to paris, but we will be passing through Belgium and Luxembourg, but haven't made any plans to get off the train until Paris. Now we all know we have a very busy brother with a newly enlarged family, I have made some plans with James but it is mostly for a lunch and then to make more plans from there, so I'm not sure how much time i will get to spend with His family but i am very much looking forward to every minute of it. Katie and I have rented a small apartment in the Latin quarter which is near the old university district and also near lots of markets and maybe a mile of so from Notre Dam. Notre Dam, I have read has one of the best views of the city but I'll have to see for my self and no worries i'll take a picture or two. I just was able to pull off a whopping 63 cent raise at work, but that is still not a lot of money so if you are worried about the amount of pictures I will be taking fear not, My camera is going to be a live blood on this trip, I just got Katie a new camera for her birthday too, so the shutters will be clicking like crazy. I just had a funny idea. I can take pictures of all the cool stuff on the trip and will be more than happy to supper in pose people into the picture, yes that's right. Tight. This whole trip is such an opportunity for me I wish I could be sharing it with more of the people the I love and that mean so much to me. We have six nights in Paris and could use a little help, there is so to do paris.

If you were going too paris or france or amsterdam what would you do?

After we meander our we though the streets of paris for a week we are headed back to amsterdam for anther night at Ellie's and then to the airport. We will be arriving home April 1st and then starting back to the daily grind of life on the 3rd.

As for the past two weeks Katie's parents were in town then I worked all week and then Monte came up for a short visit, but i am going to have to leave out some of the debauchers details, but it was a lot or fun. I am feeling very lucky to have such loving family and friends.


Merilee said...

I'm trying really hard not to say YOU SUCK. Oh, did that slip out? I'm not jealous. I swear.

You know I'm kidding. I'm super excited for you guys! You're gonna have so much fun.

Are we still on for Sunday?

megan said...

that is a good post. I'm so excited for you guys to go too. I can't wait to see all the awesome pictures. I'm excited to hang come summertime as well said...

still down for sunday, for sure. said...

I will come right out and say it... I am sooo jealous, but of course I'm excited for you two as well. I'm afraid that I would focus almost as much on food as the sights. I mean come on, France! Brioche, quiche, omelet, souffle, the bread, the chocolat, the cheese, the butter we are talking foodie heaven. Of course I would glance over at the Eiffel Tower from my sidewalk cafe and probably take a quick stroll through the Louvre, a walk along the Seine, um, how long did you say you have there? Oh, yeah, Grandma mentioned really enjoying going to Vaud Switzerland where her family is from. The church her great great grandparents were christened in is still standing there. Tom has the info in a book. It sounds like it was not a very long drive, but I'm not sure.

Emily said...

There's a chapel in Paris where a lot of French kings were buried. Inside are some tiles, including one of a crab. Go take a picture of that crab for me.

ducklips said...

oh, what a fabulous time you guys are going to have. I can't wait to see the pictures you haven't taken yet.

I know it's cliche, but I would definitely go to the Luvre. I would love to see the art work of all those masters close up. I'm w/ Mo on the bread, cheese, and chocolate. Amazing!

Brandon & Jillyn Larsen said...

im so freaking JEALOUS! you are going to have a blast. take lots and lots of pics...thats all i would be doing!