Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Look I blogged

So katie and I found tickets to paris last night for $647, that is freaking cool, So we are going to buy them to night. The new room mate Kristen and her boy friend Kurtas can't come on the trip any more due to a string for bad luck for kurtas, car getting totaled while it was parked, and his computer crashing. so having to buy a new car and computer in the same week and then going to france next month is a little crazy. We are after all just young starving kids trying to go on a super cool trip. With the loss of that party coming with katie and I are making plans to go by our self's, but if anyone wants to come and can make it happen we would love to have you along. viva la paris!! Also any one wanting to come to portland we do have an extra room with a bed that is open just for you. We wouldn't mind if people want to crash in our room while we are france too. It would just with out katie or i in town.

moving on

All I have been doing is either working or working on art. I have a lot to finish art wise right now. I still have all my Christmas presents to finish plus a huge wall hanging that i am working on for my house, that I wanted to finish before Katie's parent come the 25th of this month. If you don't know we rent from Katie's parents so we always try to have the house in it's best condition while they are in town and I thought a new peace of art would be nice to have and also nice to show off my skills. I will post up date pictures of my art work as they get closer to finished, which I hope will be soon.

I am taking katie out on a date tonight sense I have work tomorrow. I'm think dinner then a show and then going to pix for yummy yumminess best chocolate I have ever had.

I have to stop writing now I need food.


megan said...

wow a long post! I love it. I can't wait to see everything you have been working on. I'm so jealous that you guys are going to france. I think you will love it. Its too bad your friends can't go with you guys. I guess you won't need someone to watch your dogs/house for you. We would rather come up to oregon and visit when you and katie are there anyway.

ducklips said...

I loved your post! So long. It is always fun to have friends along, but you guys will have such a great time kicking around the French country side. Sweet deal on your tickets. Wish I could go w/ but you know, if I had the cash I would be going w/ Steve to Morocco. Have fun. Can't wait to see the windows!